Branding and Packaging

Branding your packages to positively influence your customers

Branding your packaging is one of the best ways to reinforce your brand and while this is widely accepted by many producers and suppliers many people and companies overlook the potential of branded secondary packaging to positively ans cost effectively influence customers.

Many producers and retailers are desperate to find a way to stand out from their competitors and win repeat custom. We are all aware that ensuring that your strong brand is evident throughout every facet of your products is important. That said, many people and companies overlook the potential of branded secondary packaging to positively influence customers.

While branded packaging may not be the most groundbreaking idea, if we look past primary packaging and towards secondary and transit packaging, suddenly things look a little different. Innovative branding on primary packaging is big business - so if you’ve invested a lot into the creation of a unique and exclusive brand why shouldn’t you make the most of it?

Many producers and retailers are making use of branded secondary packaging for their products. However, just as many aren’t. If you find yourself in the latter of these groups, there’s one way to look at it that could very well sway you. Secondary packaging may be the last thing on your mind, but it's the first thing your customer sees.

Simply done yet overlooked

That brings us onto the reason why branding secondary packaging may not be at the forefront of your mind. As a manufacturer or distributor, your responsibilities are many. If you are the former, you are likely preoccupied by other things like cost of labour and availability of raw materials. If you are the latter, your priority for packaging is likely cost-efficiency and protection. Either way, little thought is put into the materials that make up your secondary packaging. However, that’s not enough anymore.
It’s not enough for your secondary packaging to be merely functional. Sure, it may be important to know that your products are adequately protected, that goes without saying. But ask yourself, what it is that you want your packaging to say about you. What aspect of your business do you want to convey to your customers? If you have an opportunity to say something to your customers, surely you should be making use of it.

It may be time to consider branded secondary packaging
At the very least, branding your secondary packaging helps to consolidate your brand to consumers. It works to remind them of the company that they decided to buy into in the first place, and acts as a reminder of where they should return to for their next order should they find the product or item(s) of a suitable nature. Your packaging takes the place of a smile from a friendly customer service advisor. Many companies are taking advantage of the opportunity to reinforce their message and secure repeat custom.

Branding your packaging isn’t as problematic as some packaging producers would have you believe. It may seem like an expensive option, but the truth is that many branded packaging options are more economical than expected. If you are interested in seeing how branded packaging solutions could fit your business, get in touch today.