Packaging Advice

4 expert tips on how to use stretch wrap more effectively

As an extremely stretchable plastic, stretch wrap is used to keep items secure and tightly bound on pallets in preparation for shipping or storage. But as simple as wrapping pallets with plastic film sounds, there’s a lot that goes into ensuring maximum protection, cost-efficiency, and sustainability - especially in fast-paced operations.

In this article, we explore four expert tips relating to stretch wrap that’ll help optimise your pallet wrapping operation.

1. Consider your load size and prepare each pallet prior to application

Each pallet within your operation can be labelled with a load size, from type A, B, or C.  It’s important to understand what type of pallets you’re dealing with, because this will have a direct effect on which type of stretch wrap will be best suited to your pallets.

For example, your pallet types will determine how strong your stretch wrap must be to withstand any sharp edges or corners.

  • Type A: The first pallet type is uniform in shape with zero puncture points. It’s the easiest to wrap and can comfortably be secured with a lower gauge wrap.
  • Type B: Consisting of puncture points, type B pallets are not as uniform as type A, which requires a higher performance stretch wrap. This will protect the film from tearing during shipment.
  • Type C: With type C, no two loads are the same. Shape and size of this pallet will vary, with several puncture points throughout the load. They’re often very uneven, meaning stretch wrap selection is extremely important here.

With the above in mind, it’s extremely beneficial to choose a sturdy pallet that is the right size for your goods. Make sure items are as close together as possible and that any spaces are closed. This will make the pallet more stable and help prevent any shift in weight during transport.

2. Choose a stretch wrap best suited to your requirements

When looking to optimise your wrapping operation, the type of stretch wrap being used plays a massive role.

If a variety of wrapping tasks need fulfilling around the warehouse, a choice of general-purpose wrap may be sufficient. If you’re dealing with electronic devices, then an anti-static wrap is worth considering. If storing and shipping highly valuable or important goods, a high-performance stretch wrap will give you peace of mind.

Whatever your requirements, there’s a stretch wrap best suited to your operation. It’s just a case of working out what your operation actually needs and then pairing that up with a stretch wrap to fulfil them.

Looking for advice on the type of stretch wrap you should be using? Get in touch with our team of experts at Swiftpak today. With over 45 years’ experience in the industry, we have the knowledge needed to recommend the very best solution for you.

3. Evaluate the addition of a stretch wrap machine

If you find your business growing and staff are beginning to spend considerable amounts of time stretch-wrapping pallets, it’s probably time to consider partial or even full automation of your stretch wrap process.

Wrapping pallets by hand can slow down your entire operation, which his costly from a business point of view. It can also mean that more film is being used than necessary and creates strenuous work for the operator(s).

When wrapping 15 pallets or more a day, investment in a stretch wrap machine is typically recommended. They’re designed to offer faster and more efficient wrapping, reduced material costs, safer application and improved load security.

4. Explore different hand wrapping tools

Not quite ready for the addition of a semi or fully automatic pallet wrap machine? The brand new Precisionrap could be the solution you’ve been searching for.

Precisionrap is a hand-held stretch wrap solution featuring a durable and ergonomic design. It offers perfect load containment for each and every pallet, overcoming the lack of optimal stretch and consistency often found with traditional pallet wrapping. Typical loads see an increase in pallet wrapping speeds of 33%, without any compromise on quality - who knew machine-quality pallet wrapping could be achieved from the palm of your hands?

Plus, when compared to traditional wrapping techniques, Precisionrap is proven to provide an average of 50% more containment force and a 35% reduction in film consumption.

Sound interesting? Find out more on Precsisionrap and watch it in action here.

Looking for an efficient and effective stretch wrap solution?

Traditional pallet wrapping could be costing your business time and money. With a lack of optimal stretch and wrap consistency, excess film is likely being used to get the job done.

At Swiftpak, we have over 45 years of experience and can quickly help you identify your stretch wrap problems and recommend a stretch wrap solution your business deserves. From our high-performance hand-applied Precisionrap, our machine-applied MWrap through to our semi automatic machine options, we’ll help provide consistent load containment for your pallets, every time.

For more information on how we can help, contact our expert team at Swiftpak today. We’re always happy to answer your questions.