Extended Producer Responsibility

What is Extended Producer Responsibility?

EPR is stepping in to replace the existing Producer Responsibility Packaging Regulations. The primary aim is to impose a more significant obligation on businesses regarding the financial responsibility for packaging at the end of its life.

To facilitate EPR implementation, the government is actively working on creating a new registration platform named "Report Packaging Data" (RPD). If you fall under the scope of EPR regulations, it will be necessary to register on this platform starting from August 16, 2023.

Who is obligated under EPR?

You need to collect and report packaging data if all the following apply:

  • you’re an individual business, subsidiary or group (but not a charity)
  • you have an annual turnover of £1 million or more (based on your most recent annual accounts)
  • you were responsible for more than 25 tonnes of packaging in 2022

To check if your business is obligated under EPR, use the official online GOV tool.

View our EPR Cheat Sheet

Featured Resource

Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Webinar

In this informative session about Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR), we are joined by Emma Wilkinson, a renowned expert from fellow B-Corp Beyondly. Who shares her valuable insights on this critical topic and in-depth knowledge on various aspects of EPR, including its benefits, challenges, and implementation strategies.

EPR related insights

Check out our latest blogs on all things EPR to learn how Swiftpak can benefit your business.

FAQs - Extended Producer Responsibility

  • Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) is a new UK legislation that will replace the current Packaging Waste Regulations with a phased implementation from 2023. It is an environmental policy that requires producers to pay the full costs of dealing with the waste they produce from when it is placed onto the market, through to the end of its life.

  •  Below we have provided the current full list of packaging activities under the EPR regulation:

    • Packaging own-brand products selling to UK customers
    • Using a third party to package and sell own brand products to UK consumers
    • 'Transit packaging’ that is used to protect goods during transport so that they can be sold to UK customers
    • Importing own-brand and third-party packaged products into the UK to sell to consumers (unless doing so for a third party – such as a supermarket).
    • Allowing third parties based outside of the UK to sell products that are packaged or empty packaging through an online marketplace that you own
    • Making and selling empty packaging to third party organisations that do not need to take action under the regulations.
    • Hiring or loaning out reusable packaging to third parties in the UK
  • The guidance expresses that this change will affect all UK organisations that handle or supply packaging. For some further information, handling activities are explained under the current Producer Responsibility Obligations (Packaging Waste) Regulation 2007.

  • The UK Government plan to implement the new regulations in a phased approach. From 2025, producers will pay fees based on the environmental / recycling qualities of their products. For example, how widely recycled or recyclable a material is. This will require more in-depth data on your packaging materials than is reported in the current system.

    On top of the added details required, data reporting is likely to move from an annual to bi-annual reporting structure (April and October). For more on this visit our updated EPR guide.

  • Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) offers environmental benefits but raises some challenges and concerns for affected parties. Two potential issues are:

    • Increased costs for businesses: EPR may lead to additional investments in tracking, reporting systems, waste management, and recycling processes, imposing financial burdens on businesses.
    • Administrative complexities: EPR implementation involves intricate administrative processes and reporting requirements, which can be daunting for businesses. Simplified guidelines and government support will be crucial to ensure smooth adaptation to the new regulations.
  • To effectively prepare for EPR and ensure a smooth transition to the new system, follow these steps:

    • Assess your packaging options and consider the recyclability and widespread recycling of chosen materials.
    • Get ready for two submissions per year starting from October 2023.
    • Begin the preparation for detailed reporting, including polymer types and packaging formats, which will be required in the second stage of EPR reporting in 2024.
    • Stay informed about any updates or changes in the EPR timeline by reaching out to your Account Manager at Swiftpak.