5 ways custom printed tape can benefit your business
Over the last few years, companies have noticed the benefits of using custom printed tape and the value it adds to their brand.
By using printed tape, you can make your packaging design more distinctive and recognisable, helping to create a strong lasting impression on your customers. But how else can it benefit your business? In this article, we explore how custom printed tape can be used to help your brand grow.

1. Stand out from the crowd
One of the most obvious ways printed tape helps your business is by helping you stand out from your competitors. The more people are exposed to your logo and brand design the better, customers will more likely come to your company again if you have a recognisable and consistent branding. It also appears more professional and shows that you not only have an excellent eye for detail, but also really care about your company’s appearance. This will help build consumers’ confidence in your business and products.
2. Bespoke tape can show tamper-evidence
Another big advantage is that bespoke tape can be tamper evident. Printed tape that has been tampered with can be easily identified, if someone were interested in stealing any contents, they would need to find a way to reseal the box. With ordinary tape this would be less obvious, but if you use bespoke tape, they would not be able to replace it, therefore it would look tampered with. Tamper Evident Tape itself can also be bespoke and can show clearer evidence of any tampering during transport. Overall, custom printing tape can help towards giving your business confidence that your package was not touched.
3. Reduces packaging costs
Custom tapes are a cost-effective way to expose your brand. These tapes are also great for when you do not want too much stock piling up, all you need are plain cartons that you can simply paste the custom tape onto for branding. It is an inexpensive way to get your brand across to your consumers.
4. Increases Identifiability
By using recognisable tape, it makes a product much easier to identify. For example, if your package were to go missing during transit, with custom tapes it would be easier to recover. Custom printed tape can also include a batch number for reference and traceability, which can be useful for food and medical industries.

5. They can be instructive
Handling instructions can be displayed on the custom tape to make life easier for your warehouse team. For example, clear instructions printed on the tape can let them know the contents are fragile or need to be held upright or even require cold storage.
Looking for customised printed tape? At Swiftpak, we have the experience and knowledge to advise you on the most efficient and cost-effective bespoke or branded tape for your packaging operation. Get in touch with one of our packaging experts today.